NPLC 8500 - Line Impedance Stabilization Network



  • Schwarzbeck NPLC 8500

The LISN NPLC 8500 has been designed especially for PLC measurements according to ITU-T G.9901.

To determine the power spectral density of PRIME transceivers (PoweRline Intelligent Metering Evolution) the unsymmetrical voltage between a conductor and ground has to be measured within the frequency range of 3 kHz to 148 kHz.


Frequency Range: 3 kHz - 148.5 kHz
Connector DuT: 7 mm wing terminals
Connector AE/BIAS: 7 mm wing terminals
Connector for measurement device: BNC 50 Ω
Max. current: 16 Arms
Max. terminal voltage: 250 VAC / 50 Hz
Weight: 3800 g
AMN Impedance: 1 Ω
Voltage Division Factor:
(EuT - BNC)
0...-6 dB

Dimensions incl. connectors:
length x width x height:

105 x 105 x 410 mm
According to standard: ITU-T G.9901


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